Public Domain Images Water Drops on Glass Window Shallow Depth of Field Bokeh

Water Drops on Glass Window Shallow Depth of Field Bokeh


Water Drops on Glass Window Shallow Depth of Field Bokeh


  1. Sorry about that. We have fixed the issue and you should be able to download the correct image now. Thanks for letting us know!!! We really appreciate it.

  2. Thank you so much, this is really a beautiful image - I’m doing an intensive photoshop course at the moment and I know this will work in with so many things. Beautiful images on this site 🙂

    • Thanks RedAzure! Glad that you are enjoying our site. Shoot us a link to your Photoshop tutorial and we’ll feature you on the “Made” section of our website. Good luck!

  3. Thank you so much for such beautiful pictures. I have a question. The free pictures are only in “Free Stock Photos” section? I wish you all the best.
