73 Free High Resolution Public Domain Images

73 free high resolution public domain images that are free to download and use for personal or commercial purposes. These public domain images are 100% free and are released under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication, which means that you can do whatever the heck you want to with them! If you are a web designer and looking for design resources, we hope that you find these public domain images useful in your designs. Much appreciation to Ryan McGuire over at www.gratisography.com for contributing these amazing Public Domain Images.

If you are distributing a GPL-licensed product with images, such as a WordPress theme or plugin, your best bet is to opt for using images like these with the CC0 1.0 License or Public Domain license. Otherwise you will have issues when submitting you WordPress theme to the WordPress directory. The vast majority of FREE image collections on the web include images that fall under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0 license. While these images are fine for blogging, they cannot be distributed with GPL-licensed software. Meaning that they cannot be distributed in the WordPress theme directory. Check out this article by Sarah Gooding over at WPTavern for more info on this subject.